Sometimes You Just Have to Look Down

Down Low with some mountain mushrooms

Down Low with some mountain mushrooms

I love wide open landscapes…sweeping vistas…big bold skies. Just look at most of my photographs if you doubt me. I’m always taken in by the grandeur before me. But, just like in life, you can’t always focus on the big picture.  The small details, the simple pleasures, fill in the space between life’s big moments and seem to make it all more rewarding. I am trying to apply the same to my photography.  Slow up and look down, look up close, see the “small picture.”  It forces you to see and appreciate your surroundings in a whole new way.

Shadows and Sun at Play

Shadows and Sun at Play

About JudithC99

Wanderer. Writer. Artist. Photographer. Learner. Traveler of the Red Roads


  1. Ilene

    Here on the farm we have to look down also but it’s for a totally different reason!!!

  2. Lovely sentiments and very true. Would love for you to expound a little more on your stories and blog, with more pictures 🙂

  3. Beautiful photos eloquently expressed.

  4. Carol heron

    Looking down is very important. carol

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